07 November 2013

Birthday Do-Over

I love making people feel special. Serving is my love language. I love helping them celebrate, especially my own family. When it comes around to my turn on the birthday wheel, it seems to fall short. Even Mother's Day is less than spectacular.

Now, I don't require a lavish, grand ballroom-scaled celebration but I expect a halt on sibling quarrels and husband screaming at said quarrelling teens. I always hear from mommy friends that this is an unrealistic expectation. I disagree. I want 1 day of calm; ok 2. I'd love 363 other days of calm but let's be real about the odds of THAT happening!

Here are the events that ensued based on my recollection:
This year, as I can recall for at least the past 2 years of birthdays and Mother's Days, the bickering, fussing and fighting did not cease. I informed my husband in advance what I'd like to do and made sure to include the link to the desired event on his Facebook wall for all mutual friends to see. There was no subtlety involved. He made sure to get the good seats for the event which was above what I asked. I felt this was a good sign.

Let's just say, the calm wasn't there. Even the next day, actual birthday, was a repeat of the same shouting, bickering, whining. Please Earth, swallow me up now.

Drama Queen Alert!

I was at the breaking point. Snapped. Done. That was me. I spiralled out of control in my self-loathing and cried and slept for the next 24 hours!  My friends thought I'd lost it. I'm sure an intervention was being planned.

My husband pried me out of bed and convinced me I needed to eat food. I sulkingly walked down the stairs, out through the kitchen and in to the dining room where my three men were standing. My husband crowned me with the finest crown that Walmart could buy. It was cute, sparkly and had pink and purple jewels. As I became teary-eyed again, my three men began singing "Happy Birthday" and guiding me to my seat. Dinner was plated and a beautiful arrangement of my favorite flowers were before me. The walls were dotted with pretty pale pink balloons. They made it as girly as possible in my testosterone filled home. It was imperfectly perfect.

I couldn't believe it! I was handed one of thos wonderful, musically-injected cards and a handmade card from my youngest son. What a change of events!

My dear husband guided family conversation and led the family devotion time. Family devotions are a new routine that we began just a week ago. Now, we have engaging conversation at the dinner table. The daily devotion was one crafted just to what I needed in that moment. After dinner and discussion, the kids voted to watch a family movie and I selected "Fireproof". We had not watched it since it was in the theater but were reminded, painfully, of all the areas we need to improve upon in our marriage.

The kids meandered off to bed after the movie and now it was just the two of us. We had a good conversation about our needs and how we each could have acted better. I confessed a song kept running through my head all day as I tried to stay in my grief. There was a war between my head and my spirit. I reached for my iPhone and selected it from my iPhone play list. My knight in shining armor jumped to his feet and grabbed my hand. We slow-danced in the middle of our living room. Let me explain, my husband never dances; hates to dance. I can only make him slow dance at weddings. He held me tight as we listened to the tunes. It was a magical, memorable birthday do-over.


  1. Awww...this made me cry happy tears with you. You are so blessed. God is good. Thank you for sharing your heart! The good, the bad and the ugly!

  2. Thank you so much! I think life should be recorded with the good, bad and ugly in order to help others and future generations. Life is more than roses and sunshine.
